Artificial Intelligence and my internet programming

 I've done my first successful AI program. I used Claude 3.5 to do it. 

Here is the instructions I gave to Claude:

Create the following code

in a form html file ask for the fromdate and todate for the query in the php file.

Open a sqlite database called ../Fasts.db. It's the folder above this one.

Here are it's fields: id integer, entrytime time stamp without timezone, 

entrytype text, glucose text, ketone text, comment text, memberno text.

Create a query that looks like this while creating the variables

 necessary to create the graph after the query occurs

$query = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE entrytime >= '$fromdate' AND 

entrytime   <= '$todate' AND memberno = '$memberno' ORDER BY entrytime"; 

Using html, php and javascript and using this sql result to create a bar 

graph that shows fasts that show each separate fast that exist between 

the entrytype = StartOfFast and EndOfFast and the height of the bars are 

the level of glucose.

Here is it's output:


So that's it and it worked. It's not much but I will get better.



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