My fast
So today I'm ending a 3 1/2 day water fast. I usually do 4 days but i can end this early. The whole idea, for me is to fix various conditions my body accumulated over 73 years of life. For me, mainly my eye problems but also arthritis and many others. To fix these, I have to stay below 1.5 on the GKI index for 24 hours. That's my goal on every fast , so on my third day, at 10 am, I dropped below 1.5. So today at 10, I can eat again. My website explains GKI. The idea on a fast is to starve the cells enough to wake up the lisosomes in my cells. They're little stomachs that magically appear to remove old broken cells and organelles inside cells. They're the ones that kill virus and bacteria when you're sick. So I cut 1/2 day off my fast by rapidly using up my stored glucose. I did that by taking the 10 1/2 mile bicycle ride on the Back Bay Loop on my first day of fasting. The next day, I did another 5 miles on the Fullerton loop. That sucked my glu...