
Showing posts from December, 2023

Condition Graphs

 The entering and saving of the condition system is working. I am now working on the conditions graph that shows up above the fast graph as a line graph. It's a bit complex. Something like, first cut the conditions that exist before and after the selected dates of the fast graphs, then average the numbers between each fast and create the line point at that height. That gives me the ability to see how my progress corelates to the fasts. So, like, if I'm losing weight, I can see how that particular graph affected my weight or blood pressure or inflammation of my joints etc. After that's done, I'll be working on getting the system, as a whole, to accept multiple people. After that, I'll make the system more efficient. Like being able to login in from the front screen and then jump to the main app screen with some message saying I'm logged in. After that, I want to get the totals of the GKI indexes and maybe graph that. There's still a lot to do but I'm prog...

Keto and the industry

 Wow. What a month of illumination.  How in the hell did the medical industry get into such a rut?  Since I've begun studying metabolism and how autophagy, glucose and ketones affect my everyday life, I'm shocked at how little is being done.  Everybody I know has some kind of disease. Or should I say instead that everybody I know has a lot of diseases. And to top it all off, I now know why.  It's what we eat. It's all glucose, or that is, carbs. Fat is our friend here and we've been propograndised to believe that eating fat is bad.  Carbohydrates are not good for our body. They clog up your brain, your arteries and your cells. I had to find a way to keep from going blind and what I found angered me. Fat does not convert to fat in your system.  It goes to the liver, which converts it to ketones and ketones feed your cells the way they should be fed. Simple-mindedness doesn't work here. Fat doesn't go into fat in our bodies. Carbohydrates conver to gluco...