
Showing posts from August, 2024

the ground shook under my feet today

 For the last couple of weeks, I have been experiencing the power of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the AI platform. I consider myself an expert programmer. I have been programming since somewhere around 1981.  Today, I created a table that could be edited that updates my database based on my initial sql query. I can sort any column or delete or add rows and it has my information on my conditions.  So much for that explanation. What hit me like a ton of bricks, was that after instructing Claude to create this database, editable table in a webpage, using HTML, PHP and JavaScript languages,  I decided to see if my instructions could be used with a different language. Java, the computer language, is used by Android phones and Swift is used by Apple's smartphone language. So all I did was change the name of the computer language to Java and then Swift and Claude, using the same instructions, created the program within 15 seconds each.  Nothing will ever be the same for me. I sp...

Transitioning to AI

 I am a programmer. I started somewhere around 1981. I've been programming ever since. The last several programs I've written have actually been written using Clause 3.5's AI engine. It's costing me 20.00 a month. It's well worth the cost.  I've been transitioning from C++, the computer language to HTML, JavaScript and PHP. I can tell you this: Why on earth should I spend a week on a small program that updates a table in Sqlite database, when I can do the same thing in 2 hours.  It's called prompt engineering. It's a way to guide the AI system into creating a program that works. For instance, my latest program is accessed through the Upgrade/Bug system. This webpage implements a table that can edit my Sqlite table in my database. I can delete, set priorities, show done or not, whether it's a bug or an upgrade. It places buttons above the table that allows me to add rows and more. It's powerful.  It was completely written using AI. Yeah! There...

New member and forgotten password working

 This was a bit difficult. So many bugs and so many mistakes made, especially in the forgotten password programs.  Anyway, it's done and now, the new member system appears to work really well. And if the member has forgotten their password, they can now change it.  I did this with only partial Claude AI. I had a real problem with my local system not sending emails. Then I had a lot of confusion on how to send an email as I was trying to get my website to send mail and it wouldn't. So I asked the AI system how to do it and it responded with a very simple email system.  It turns out that the system I use to run my website locally (XAmpp),  does not do email. Anyway, it's all working now.  To become a new member, a code is sent to the new member email and then if the code matches, then I know that their are real and not some robot trying to clog my system with fake people. Of course, I use an password encryption system that is really interesting. It's called t...

New Members system and AI

 The add member system is now working.   I hadn't tested it for some time and it was based on a different database for collection of data. I switched to a file based database called sqlite to keep track of  fasts. That way, when the system is converted to a a smartphone app, the information can come with the user. That comes later, when I am satisfied with its capabilities,  maybe a year from now.  It's difficult to tell how long before I'm satisfied with it. There's too much missing. Every time I think I have a handle on what my fasts are doing to my body,  I find another reason to create another statistics program. There's way too much work to be done to expect a fully replete water fasting application yet. Especially for extended fasts, which this system is focused on. The artificial intelligence model Claude is so powerful that it takes me only a day or so to write out instructions for another small program or two. For instance switching to a new d...

New Graphs and Totals

 I've added totals for the levels of repair in your fasts. That way you can see what effects the fasts have on your health. By looking at, let's say, the total of hours you've spent at a GKI level that repairs your tumors and cysts. That way, you can get an idea of whether you are actually in the GKI level long enough to repair. I've added the graph that shows the actual distance in days between the fasts. Every bit of information you can use when you're sick and want to know that you're doing enough. There's still a lot of bugs and bells and whistles to add to make it easier to understand you're actually getting somewhere with your fasts.  I wanted to add that I don't believe AI will be able to replace the 800,000 blue collar workers we are losing every year as the younger generations are not having as many children. Although white collar jobs are being lost to AI, it can't as yet replace blue collar work. Losing so many white collar workers wil...