Statistics of fasts
I have the graphs working on the extended fasts. All is pretty much good and well to a point. I want to superimpose the condition(s) above the fast times. Bear in mind that what appears complex in this note, the complexity of the program, itself, is at least 30 times more complex. To compare the fasting times to the condition times, for instance, I want to see when I'm losing weight compared to the fasts. Weight is the example here. What is done here will work with the thousands of conditions the members may have. That's a bit complex. The condition check may lie outside of the start and end of the fast. I can't ignore what is outside the fast, especially if no condition tests were done within the fasts themselves. I have to use the last or average of the weights before the fast. Also, if there is weight checks within the fasts, then I'll use an average of those. When you're travelling through arrays of information, there's all kinds of gotchas that'll caus...