Ready for Glucose/Ketone test entries and SSL
The HTML form and the PHP file that updates the Glucose/Ketone entries works. There needs to be a lot more ease of use. That will come with time. Also I now have SSL security working on the site. That encrypts between you and the website so that prying eyes can't see your password when it's typed when you enter the site. The beginnings of the chart system is there. Most of these forms only work when you're logged on. The member information works so that the entries are restricted to the user/member. A lot has to be done. A profile form so that the users that want to enter their name can. Also, if the Autophagy app gains any momentum, I will add a table that allows other users to access your data if you allow it. The condition system forms need to be added so that you can compare any conditions to the amount of fasting. For instance: Blood pressure and weight loss compared to the fasts. I also need to do some videos describing the process of adding a m...