
Showing posts from September, 2023

Users almost ready

 For the Autophagy app to work, there has to be a way to separate users. The users need to see their stuff only. So I added session variables that hold the memberno and username, which is their email. That way all the database retrievals select on the member number. That works now with the keytone and glucose test entries. Unfortunately,  the entry date isn't working. I'll make that work next. If I get more users, I'll get the forget password working. Later, if doctors start following their patients and that actually works out that way, I'll add a bunch of statistics and graphs showing their patient's entries and graphs with totals. That is, if the patient gives their doctor's permission.  I'm imagining the ability to understand how many fasts and at what level conditions get minimized.  It would be nice to know how time and at what level of autophagy is needed to fix a problem. Onward. Pierre

Logins are working.

 Now that a user can login, it's time to start entering the tests of each of my fasts. That will give me enough data to create statistics, graphs and charts of all my fasts. Since each user will see only their own data, I might entice users to use the app by presenting videos and allowing my data to be seen. Won't bother me to do that.  Charts are a lot of work as I will need to learn the ins and outs of Javascript. It's a new language that I'm not familiar with. Then, when I'm done with charts and totals, I can start to use the fast GKI levels to understand how the fasts affect my conditions. That's really what it's all about anyhow. Being able to understand how many fasts are needed and at what GKI level they were at, will give me the ability to compare that with the change in the conditions.  If I can get enough users on the system, then we can start getting a real idea what fixes what condition. A little bit of AI and I should be able to do real research...

Create new user working

 Now that create new user is working, the next step is logging in. In a couple of days I  should be done with user setups. Except for forgotten passwords. Don't need that right now. I'll start working on graphs and charts of all the fasts and levels of aurophagy.  Pierre

User logins So I'm working on user logins. This one is a lot more complicated than just keeping records inserted using forms.   The idea is to keep track of user interaction with all the glucose/Ketone tests and all the disease conditions that happen with the progression of human aging.  The autophagy program needs to filter and combine all the different aspects of the progression of water fasts and the levels of disease removal. For that to happen properly,  a user's password needs a good level of protection and so does the security of the user in the database. There are 3 things to handle when creating and maintaining a user profile.  The first is properly creating a new user. The second is logging the user with proper authentication.  The third is resetting the password if the user forgets their password.  1. Creating the new user.  Whether the new user uses a made up name or his/her own, an email must be entered. So it makes senses ...

Glucose Ketone entries working Man oh man. Learning the computer languages PHP, HTML and Javascript along with picking up how to create a website using WordPress has been a bit overwhelming.   So the Glucose/Ketone form works and adds entries into the server database. Also the table view of the entries are working. Whew!!!! So next I'm not sure which I want to do next. My mind wants to do the exciting stuff. Create graphs of the GKI levels at each fast. That's fun. Or, get the member form working so that I can keep member's information separated in the database and keep anyone's information sacred from another member.  Luckily, I did some PHP stuff a decade ago. PHP is a language that runs on the server and not in your browser. So when a member signs in,  the database holds the password in an encrypted form.  It's really interesting.  The NSA had figured out how to keep their agent's password protected. So they came up with a technique call the SHA encryption. The ...